About Librarians' Choices:
The Librarians' Choices project began as a class assignment in Fall, 2003 at Texas Woman's University, with graduate students
in Library Science enrolled in a Book Reviewing class. It has since evolved into a significant professional development activity
involving volunteer teachers, librarians, and librarians-in-training associated with the School of Library and Information
Studies at TWU. They spent the fall, 2006, semester reading and discussing hundreds of new books for children and young adults
provided by major publishers. In addition, other titles by other publishers were also sought out, read, and discussed. Participants
determined which titles were most outstanding based on literary quality, appeal to children and young adults, the typical
needs of a school or community library, and a comparative study of other professional review sources. Although we did not
have access to ALL the children's and YA books published in 2006, nor did every student read every book as one would expect
in a formal review or award committee, we did our best to be comprehensive and thorough.
In the end, a limit of 100 titles was set, with approximately half of the list being designated for picture books and
half of the list designated for novels. Poetry and nonfiction titles were also incorporated as appropriate. As a culminating
activity, each participant chose approximately nine titles to study closely and review. These reviews include a complete bibliography
of each title with a description and analysis of the book, as well as connections for sharing the book with child/teen audiences
and recommendations for related books to combine or compare with the featured title. The goals of the project are twofold,
to develop participant knowledge base about current books for children and young adults and the ability to read and write
critically about these books and to use this experience to create a professional resource for others interested in choosing
outstanding and intriguing books for the young people they serve.
Librarians' Choices 2006
1. Agee, David. Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
2. Alegria, Malin. Estrella’s Quinceanera
3. Anderson, M. T. The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, v.1: The Pox Party
4. Anderson, M. T. The Clue of the Linoleum Lederhosen
5. Aston, Dianna. An Egg is Quiet
6. Bajagawa, Hiritaja. Sumo Boy
7. Balliett, Blue. The Wright 3
8. Bateman, Teresa. Keeper of Soles
9. Beaumont, Karen. Move Over Rover
10. Bledsoe, Lucy Jane. How to Survive in Antarctica
11. Brown, Calef. Flamingos on the Roof
12. Brown, Trisha. Salaam
13. Budhos, Marine. Ask Me No Questions
14. Bulion, Leslie. Hey There, Stink Bug!
15. Bunting, Eve. One Green Apple
16. Carter, Ally. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You
17. Child, Lauren. But Excuse Me That is My Book
18. Cohn, Rachel and Levithan, David. Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist
19. Cunnane, Kelly. For You Are a Kenyan Child
20. de la Cruz, Melissa. Blue Bloods
21. diCamillo, Kate. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
22. Draper, Sharon. Copper Sun
23. Elya, Susan Middleton. Bebe Goes Shopping
24. Engle, Margarita. The Poet Slave of Cuba
25. Fleischman, Sid. Escape; The Story of the Great Houdini
26. Frazee, Marla. Walk on! A Guide for Babies of All Ages
27. Freedman, Russell. Freedom Walkers: The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott
28. Freedman, Russell. The Adventures of Marco Polo
29. Frost, Helen. The Braid
30. Gould, Robert. Father and Son Read Aloud Stories
31. Govenar, Alan. Extraordinary Ordinary People
32. Gratz, Alan. Samurai Shortstop
33. Gravett, Emily. Wolves
34. Grimes, Nikki. The Road to Paris
35. Hardinge, Frances. Fly By Night
36. Harris, Robie. It’s Not the Stork!
37. Harvey, Gill. Orphan of the Sun
38. Hatkoff, Isabella; Hatkoff, Craig, and Kahumbu, Paula. Owen and Mzee
39. Hautmann, Pete. Rash
40. Headley, Justina. Nothing But the Truth (And a Few White Lies)
41. Hopkinson, Deborah. Up before Daybreak, Cotton and People in America
42. Ichikawa, Satomi. My Father's Shop
43. Jansen, Hanna. Over a Thousand Hills I Walk With You
44. Jaramillo, Ann. La Linea
45. Klages, Ellen. The Green Glass Sea
46. Knudsen, Michelle. Library Lion
47. Korman, Gordon. Born to Rock
48. Kring, Sandra. The Book of Bright Ideas
49. Kurlansky, Mark. The Story of Salt
50. Larios, Julie. Yellow Elephant; A Bright Bestiary
51. Liao, Jimmy. The Sound of Colors
52. Lipsyte, Robert. Raiders Night
53. Look, Lenore. Uncle Peter's Amazing Chinese Wedding
54. Lupica, Mike. Heat
55. Lyga, Barry. The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl
56. Markle, Sandra. Rescues! _
57. McCaughrean, Geraldine. Peter Pan in Scarlet
58. McCormick, Patricia. Sold
59. McCully, Emily Arnold. Marvelous Mattie: How Margaret E. Knight Became an Inventor
60. McKissack, Patricia. Porch Lies: Tales of Slicksters, Tricksters
61. Meyer, Stephanie. New Moon
62. Moriarty, Jaclyn. The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie
63. Murdock, Catherine. Dairy Queen
64. Myers, Walter Dean. Jazz
65. Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds. Roxie and the Hooligans
66. Nolan, Han. Summer of Kings
67. Oppenheim, Joanne. Dear Miss Breed
68. Owen, James. Here There Be Dragons
69. Paterson, Katherine. Bread and Roses, Too
70. Pennypacker, Sara. Clementine
71. Pericoli, Matteo. The True Story of Stellina
72. Pfeffer, Susan Beth. Life as We Knew It
73. Pinkney, Jerry. The Little Red Hen
74. Portman, Frank. King Dork
75. Reinhardt, Dana. A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life
76. Rubin, Susan Goldman. The Cat with the Yellow Star: Coming of Age in Terezin
77. Schaefer, Lola M. An Island Grows
78. Schubert, Leda: Ballet of the Elephants
79. Shafer, Audrey. The Mailbox
80. Sidman, Joyce. Butterfly Eyes and Other Secrets of the Meadow
81. Siebert, Diane: Tour America: A Journey through Poems and Art
82. Skelton, Matthew. Endymion Spring
83. Smith, Lane. John, Paul, George, and Ben
84. Sonnenblick, Jordan. Notes from the Midnight Driver
85. Stanley, Diane. Bella at Midnight
86. Stone, Tanya Lee: A Bad Boy Can be Good for a Girl
87. Tchana, Katrin Hyman. Changing Woman and Her Sisters
88. Tingle, Tim. Crossing Bok Chitto
89. Vizzini, Ned. It’s Kind of a Funny Story
90. Vrettos, Adrienne. Skin
91. Weatherford, Carole Boston. Dear Mr. Rosenwald
92. Werlin, Nancy. The Rules of Survival
93. Wiesner, David. Flotsam
94. Winter, Jonah. Dizzy
95. Wolf, Allan. Immersed in Verse
96. Wright, Betty Ren. Princess for a Week
97. Wulf, Linda Press. The Night of the Burning: Devorah's Story
98. Yang, Gene. American Born Chinese
99. Yep, Laurence. The Earth Dragon Awakes
100. Zusak, Markus. The Book Thief