This bibliography is the result of two research projects. The first was an undergraduate project for an English course. The
second was a children's literature course I completed around 2002. I have not updated the bibliography since then, so be aware
that it is missing some great books which have been published in the past few years. If I ever have time, I would love to
update my bibliography, but I know that if I were to wait until everything was updated...I'd never get around to posting it
at all.
Abells, Chana Byers. 1988. The children we remember. New York: Greenwillow Books. ISBN: 0-06-443777-9.
Adler, David A. 1989. We remember the holocaust. New York: Henry Holt and Company. ISBN: 0-8050-0434-3.
Bachrach, Susan D. 1994. Tell them we remember: the story of the holocaust. New York: Little Brown and Company.
ISBN: 0-316-07484-5.
Chaikin, Miriam. 1987. A nightmare in history: the holocaust, 1933-1945. New York: Clarion Books. ISBN: 0-899-19461-3.
Levine, Ellen. 2000. Darkness over denmark: the danish resistance and the rescue of the jews. New York: Holiday House.
ISBN: 0-8234-1447-7.
Meltzer, Milton. 1988. Rescue: the story of how gentiles saved jews in the holocaust. New York: Harper and Row. ISBN:
Rochman, Hazel and Darlene Z. McCampbell. 1995. Bearing witness: stories of the holocaust. New York: Orchard Books:
ISBN: 0-531-09488-X.
Rogasky, Barbara. 1988. Smoke and ashes: the story of the holocaust. New York: Holiday House. ISBN: 0-823-40697-0.
Collective Biographies
Boas, Jacob. 1995. We are witnesses: five diaries of teenagers who died in the holocaust. New York: Henry Holt. ISBN:
Greenfeld, Howard. 1993. The hidden children. New York: Ticknor & Fields. ISBN: 0-395-66074-2.
Leapman, Michael. 2000. Witnesses to war. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-439-18036-8.
Rosenberg, Maxine B. 1994. Hiding to survive: stories of jewish children rescued from the holocaust. New York: Clarion
Books. ISBN: 0-395-65014-3.
Adler, David A. 1993. A picture book of Anne Frank. Illustrated by Karen Ritz. New York: Holiday House. ISBN: 0-8234-1078-1.
Atkinson, Linda. 1985. In kindling flame: the story of Hannah Senesh, 1921-1944. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Books. ISBN: 0-688-02714-8.
Gold, Alison Leslie. 2000. A special fate: Chiune Sugihara: Hero of the holocaust. New York: Scholastic. ISBN:
---. 1997. Memories of Anne Frank: Reflections of a childhood friend. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-90723-9.
Kaplan, William and Shelley Tanaka. 1998. One more border: the true story of one family's escape from war-torn Europe.
Illustrated by Stephen Taylor. Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre. ISBN: 0-88899-332-3.
Korenblit, Michael and Kathleen Janger. 2000. Until we meet again: a true story of love and survival in the holocaust.
Scholastic. ISBN: 0-439-17598-4.
Mochizuki, Ken. 1997. Passage to freedom: the sugihara story. Illustrated by Dom Lee. New York: Lee & Low Books.
ISBN: 1-880-00049-0.
Muller, Melissa. 1998. Anne Frank: the biography. Translated by Rita and Robert Kimber. New York: Henry Holt and
Company. ISBN: 0-8050-5996-2.
Pressler, Mirjam. 2000. Anne Frank: a hidden life. Translated by Anthea Bell. New York: Dutton Children's Books.
ISBN: 0-525-46330-5.
Rol, Ruud van der and Rian Verhoeven. 1993. Anne Frank: beyond the diary: a photographic remembrance. Translated by
Tony Langham and Plym Peters. New York: Viking. ISBN: 0-670-84932-4.
Siegal, Aranka. 1981. Upon the head of the goat: a childhood in Hungary. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux. ISBN:
Warren, Andrea. 2000. Surviving Hitler: a boy in the Nazi death camps. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN: 0-688-17497-3.
Appleman-Jurman, Alicia. 1988. Alicia: My story. New York: Bantam Books. ISBN: 0-553-28218-2.
Ayer, Eleanor, Helen Waterford, and Alfons Heck. 2000. Parallel journeys. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks. 0-689-83236-2.
Bitton-Jackson, Livia. 1999. I have lived a thousand years: Growing up in the holocaust. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks.
ISBN: 0-689-82395-9.
---. 1999. My bridges of hope: Searching for life and love after Auschwitz. New York: Simon and Schuster Books For
Young Readers. ISBN: 0-689-82026-7.
Breznitz, Shlomo. 1993. Memory fields. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN: 0-679-40403-1.
Frank, Anne. 1993. The diary of a young girl. Translated by B.M. Mooyaart-Doubleday. New York: Bantam Books. ISBN:
Jacobsen, Ruth. 2001. Rescued images: memories of a childhood in hiding. New York: Mikaya Press. ISBN: 1-931414-00-9.
Leitner, Isabella. 1992. The big lie: a true story. Illustrated by Judy Pederson. New York: Scholastic. ISBN:
Leitner, Isabella and Irving Leitner. 1994. Isabella: From Auschwitz to freedom. New York: Anchor Books. ISBN: 0-385-47318-4.
Lobel, Anita. 1998. No pretty pictures: a child of war. New York: Avon Books. ISBN: 0-380-73285-8.
Novac, Ana. 1997. The beautiful days of my youth: my six months in Auschwitz and Plaszow. Translated by George L.
Newman. New York: Henry Holt and Company. ISBN: 0-8050-5018-3.
Opdyke, Irene Gut and Jennifer Armstrong. 1999. In my hands: Memories of a holocaust rescuer. New York: Alfred A.
Knopf. ISBN: 0-679-99181-6.
Perl, Lila and Marion Blumenthal Lazan. 1996. Four perfect pebbles: a holocaust story. New York: Greenwillow Books.
ISBN: 0-688-14294-X.
Rabinovici, Schoschana. 1998. Thanks to my mother. Translated by James Skofield. New York: Dial Books. ISBN: 0-8037-2235-4.
Sender, Ruth Minsky. 1986. The cage. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company. ISBN: 0-02-781830-6.
---. 2000. To life. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks. ISBN: 0-689-83282-6.
---. 1992. The holocaust lady. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company. ISBN: 0-02-781832-2.
Tec, Nechama. 1984. Dry tears: The story of a lost childhood. New York: Oxford UP. ISBN: 0-19-503500-3.
Toll, Nelly S. 1993. Behind the secret window: a memoir of a hidden childhood. New York: Dial Books. ISBN: 0-803-71362-2.
Ungerer, Tomi. 1998. Tomi: A childhood under the Nazis. Niwot, Colorado: TomiCo. ISBN: 1-57098-163-9.
Weisel, Elie. 1960. Night. New York: Bantam Books. ISBN: 0-553-27253-5.
Wilkomirski, Binjamin. 1996. Fragments: Memories of a wartime childhood. Translated by Carol Brown Janeway. New York:
Schocken Books. ISBN: 0-8052-4139-6.
Bishop, Claire Huchet. 1980. Twenty and ten. Illustrated by William Pene du Bois. New York: Trumpet. ISBN: 0-590-34168-5.
Denenberg, Berry. 2000. One eye laughing, one eye weeping: the diary of Julie Weiss. New York: Scholastic. ISBN:
Hoestlandt, Jo. 1995. Star of fear, star of hope. Illustrated by Johanna Kang. Translated by Mark Polizzotti. New
York: Walker. ISBN: 0-802-78373-2.
Isaacs, Anne. 2000. Torn Thread. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-60363-9.
Kerr, Judith. 1998. When Hitler stole pink rabbit. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-38197-0.
Lowry, Lois. 1989. Number the stars. New York: A Yearling Book. ISBN: 0-440-40327-8.
Matas, Carol. 1993. Daniel's story. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-46920-7.
---. 1998. Greater than angels. New York: Simon & Schuster Book for Young Readers. ISBN: 0-689-81353-8.
---. 1999. In my enemy's house. New York: Simon & Schuster Book for Young Readers. ISBN: 0-689-81354-6.
Mazer, Norma Fox. 1999. Goodnight, maman. San Diego: Harcourt Brace. 0-152-01468-3.
McSwigan, Marie. 1958. Snow treasure. Illustrated by Andre LaBlanc. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-42537-4.
Melnikoff, Pamela. 2001. Prisoner in time: a child of the holocaust. Philadelphi: The Jewish Publication Society.
ISBN: 0-8276-0735-0.
Napoli, Donna Jo. 1997. Stones in water. New York: Puffin Books. ISBN: 0-14-130600-9.
O'Brien, Robert C. 1975. Z for zachariah. New York: Atheneum. ISBN: 0-689-30442-0.
Orlev, Uri. 1984. The island on bird street. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN: 0-395-33887-5.
---. 1991. The man from the other side. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN: 0-395-53808-4.
Serraillier, Ian. Escape from warsaw. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-43715-1.
Voigt, Cynthia. 1992. David and Jonathan. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-45165-0.
Wassiljewa, Tatjana. 1997. Hostage to war. Translated by Anna Trenter. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-590-13446-9.
Winter, Kathryn. 1998. Katarina. New York: Scholastic. ISBN: 0-439-09904-8.
Yolen, Jane. 1990. The devil's arithmetic. New York: Puffin Books. ISBN: 0-14-034535-3.